Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Morethanfine redux: I am Christian hedonist

What's was Morethanfine again?

"More than fine" is my response when people ask 'How are you?'
It means I am a Christian hedonist who has embraced the joy of God which causes me to choose to be more than just fine in all circumstances.

'Christian hedonism' is the idea that if God is the source of our greatest delight then God is our most precious treasure; which makes us radically God-centered and not self-centered. And if we treasure God most, we glorify Him most.

Christian Hedonism may seem a contradiction if one sees Christianity as just 'religion', but it is not that; it is the unique one on one relationship with Jesus. And who doesn't take pleasure in a satisfying, loving relationship?

Being a Christian hedonist is desiring the vast, ocean-deep pleasures of God. I'm a Christian hedonist because I believe Psalm 16:11, "You show me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy, in Your right hand are pleasures for evermore."

I pursue satisfaction in God, because God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in him.

[credit for much of these words and ideas go to John Piper of 'Desiring God' Ministries]

The More than Fine phrase comes from the Switchfoot song by Jonathan Foreman from the "Beautiful Letdown" CD.

When I'm up with the sunrise
I want more than just blue skies.
I want more than just ok, more than just ok.

I'm not giving up, giving up, not giving up now.
I'm not giving up, giving up, not backing down.

More than fine, more than bent on getting by.
More than fine, more than just ok.



Blogger Marjorie said...

An interesting post. In the past year, I've lost that spark and I'd like to get it back. I'm not sure whether I should be pursuing it -- where? -- or whether I'm simply in the wilderness and should wait patiently.

I felt too limited by fundamentalism, but I also feel too adrift in liberalism. My only conclusion is that I'm in the wrong church, but I could be wrong. Maybe I just need to study the Bible.

P.S. Please consider enabling comments on your other posts -- its almost like I can't read them if I don't have the opportunity to comment. Must be my narcissism acting up ;-)

9/28/2005 10:14 AM  
Blogger Barb said...

Marjorie I wish I could invite you to my home church group--but the drive is a little far :). To be surrounded with others who embrace the love and joy of Christianity and seek after it with enthusiasm can make all the difference when the spark seems to have faded.


9/28/2005 5:19 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Amen! Sinar kemuliaan Tuhan paling gemilang dalam bahang kerinduan umatNya.... my translation of Piper's tagline in bahasa malaysia

11/04/2005 3:07 AM  

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