Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Everything wrong with Federal Homeschool Legislation

Here is a snippet, read it all at


Home Education Magazine

September-October 2003 - Articles and Columns

Taking Charge - Larry and Susan Kaseman

Say No To The Federal Homeschool Legislation

Aunt Tilly calls. "You know I support your homeschooling. But I just read an article about how homeschoolers are demanding special favors from the federal government. It's really not fair for homeschoolers to expect to be allowed to homeschool and still get everything kids in regular schools get."

From State Senator Reasonable you hear, "I've gone along with your notions about homeschooling laws over the years, and I know all three of your kids are doing well. But I'm concerned about families where the kids aren't learning anything. According to the federal bill that just passed, you homeschoolers are proud of how well your kids score on standardized tests. Senator You-Know-Who is getting a lot of pressure from the teachers union and social workers and is introducing a bill requiring you guys to take the same standardized tests that everyone else takes. Seems fair to me."

Then Oscar Keep-Em-In-Line, a local school official, sends you a letter: "According to our records, you have complied with state laws governing homeschooling. But under the new federal law, you are now required to submit your curriculum to my office for review and approval."

What's going on? This is an illustration of what would be likely to happen over time if the U. S. Congress passes H R 2732, a recently introduced homeschooling bill.

read it all at http://www.homeedmag.com/HEM/205/sotch.html


Blogger Kara said...

Hi, it's Kara from over at the HILL (Homeschooling Illinois...) I pointed people to some of your posts that I enjoyed. Welcome to blogging.

9/27/2005 11:12 PM  

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