Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Fringe of the Fringe

I forget sometimes when I use the term 'unschooling' that it is a weird, unknown term to many people outside the homeschooling circles I run in most of the time. Of course, it is weird and unknown to some of the people *inside* the homeschool circles I run in too! At a recent board meeting of VaHomeschoolers--the statewide homeschool group I work with--we were discussing how homeschoolers are on the fringe and since most (all?) of us on the board are unschoolers, I pointed out that we are the on the fringe of most homeschoolers--we are the fringe of the fringe. Academic rebels who have purposely placed ourselves outside the mainstream. It's funny because I was never outside the mainstream growing up. And even though I went to a radical college (Berkeley) I stayed pretty much in the mainstream (except for becoming a born again Christian :o) until I had kids. But as a mom, I began to slip out of the mainstream! I didn't have any interest in working anymore, I wanted to stay at home, breast feed, eventually homeschool and finally, I fell completely out of the mainstream altogether and began to unschool. lol So here I am in my own little eddy on the side of the river surrounding myself with morethanfine fringe-fringers like myself. Come on in the water's fine!


Blogger Heather said...

So glad to find another one. :) We are on the fringe of the fringe--that is the perfect way to put it.

I live in a fairly conservative area, especially among the Christian home schoolers (which curriculum--Bob Jones or Alpha Omega is usually the first thing they ask around here.:)) Sometimes I forget and mention that well, we pretty much, well, yeah, we unschool. The look of shock and dismay especially in those who know we are evangelical Christians is almost funny (or would be if it wasn't sheer horror). Then I reread my Bible and the Lord reminds me that we are not allow those things that God has given us as good to be called evil. Oh yeah. So I am gentle and kind as I explain that my kids know Him and we trust Him more than any curriculum.

9/05/2008 2:42 PM  

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